RESULTS FROM ABROAD[ 2019 ][ 2018 ][ 2017 ][ 2016 ][ 2015 ][ 2014 ][ 2013 ][ 2012 ][ 2011 ][ 2010 ][ 2009 ][ 2008 ][ 2007 ] 20.11.2010 Nitra INT (Slovakia), Milivoje Uroševic (Serbia) Aziz Inas: BOB-puppy Best In Show-3-puppy Aziz Inas BIS-3 13.11.2010 Puppy Show (Norway), Annika Ulltveit-Moe (Sweden), FINALS: Rui Oliveira, (Portugal) Aziz Ihsan: BOB, Best In Group-2 Aziz Ihsan BOB & BIG-2 6.11.2010 Tartu INT (Estonia), Pedro Sanchez Delerue (Portugal), PUPPY FINALS: Primoz Peer, (Slovenia) Aziz Ezdar: BB-4 Aziz Haifa: BOB-puppy, Best In Show-4-puppy Aziz Haifa BOB & BIS-4-puppy 31.10.2010 Riga INT Baltic Winner 2010 (Latvia), Jo Schepers (Netherlands), PUPPY FINALS: Nina Karlsdotter, (Sweden) Aziz Sardar: BD-1, CAC -> LV CH CACIB, BALTW-10, BOB, Best In Group-5 Aziz Darman: BD-2, res-CACIB -> CACIB, new C.I.B Aziz Baji: BB-3, CAC -> LV CH Aziz Halil: BOB-puppy, Best In Group-1, Best in Show-2-puppy Aziz Haifa: BOS-puppy Aziz Sardar BOB & BALTW-10 / Aziz Halil BOB-puppy & Aziz Haifa BOS-puppy Aziz Halil BIG-1 & BIS-2-puppy 25.9.2010 Hønefoss puppy show (Norway) Aziz Ihsan: BOB, Best In Group-1, Best In Show-3! Aziz Ihsan BIS-3 19.9.2010 Puppy Show (Norway) Jane Kristiansen (Norway) Aziz Ihsan: HP, BOB, Best In Group-1! Aziz Ihsan BOB, BIG-1 12.9.2010 Bellingham (USA), Jay Cunningham (USA) 28 salukis Aziz Uzma: Open-1; Winner's Bitch & Best of Winners Aziz Uzma (c)George Woodard 5.9.2010 Sighthound Speciality (Norway) Aziz Ihsan: BOB & Best In Show-puppy! Aziz Ihsan BIS-puppy 22.8.2010 Tallinn INT (Estonia) Aziz Ada: BB-1, CAC, CACIB, BOS -> EE CH & C.I.B! New C.I.B Aziz Ada 21-22.8.2010 Bratislava INT (Slovakia), Ludmila Fintorová (SK) & Balogh Zsuzsanna (HU) Aziz Extera: BB-1, CAC, CACIB, BOB / CAC, res-CACIB -> SK CH, SK Club CH & C.I.B! New C.I.B Aziz Extera 1.8.2010 Lövudden Swedish Sighthoundspeciality (Sweden), Aziz Xanom: EXC-1 open, Best Bitch-2 Aziz Fazel: EXC-2 junior Aziz Baji: EXC-2 working Aziz Xanom BB-2 / Aziz Fazel EXC-2 junior 31.7.2010 Lövudden Swedish Salukispeciality (Sweden), Aziz Felfel: EXC-1 junior, BOS-junior Aziz Ghada: HP-2 junior Aziz Xanom: EXC-3 open Aziz Felfel BOS-junior / Aziz Ghada HP-2 junior 11.7.2010 Gällivare INT (Sweden) Aziz Ehteram: BD-1, BOB, CAC, CACIB -> New SE CH! Aziz Ada: BB-2, CAC, res-CACIB -> New SE CH! Aziz Ehteram BOB 3.7.2010 Hamburg (Germany), Walter Schicker (Germany) 28 salukis Aziz Chameh: BB-1, BOS, VDH-CAC, DWZRV-CAC, Landessieger 2010 26.6.2010 Herning (Denmark), World Dog Show 2010, WW-10 Aziz Fazel: EXC-1 Junior World Winner 2010! Aziz Fazel new JWW-10 19.6.2010 Moletai INT (Lithuania), Markku Mähönen (Finland) Aziz Shayan: BB-1, BOB, CACIB -> C.I.B! Shayan is the 48th International Champion in kennel Aziz! In addition,
Shayan was also Jalil's 13th offspring who has achieved the C.I.B title. Now 13 out of 19 of Jalil's offsprings
are International Champions. Aziz Shayan new C.I.B 18.4.2010 Berlin Sighthound spec. (Germany), Herr Ehrenreich (Germany) 10 salukis Aziz Chameh: BB-1, BOS, VDH-CAC, DWZRV-CAC 17.4.2010 Berlin INT (Germany), Frau Piesik (Germany) 17 salukis Aziz Chameh: BB-2, res-CACIB, VDH-CAC, res-DWZRV-CAC (->CAC) 28.3.2010 Nitra (Slovakia), WW-Malgorzata (Poland) 9 salukis Aziz Extera: BB-1, CAC, BOB Aziz Extera 27.3.2010 Grossenaspe Sighthound spec. (Germany), Dr. Rita Benneman (Germany) 22 salukis Aziz Chameh: BB-1, BOB, VDH-CAC, DWZRV-CAC Aziz Chameh Aziz Chameh BIS-pair with her dad Al-Shen Naar El Shaitaan 6.3.2010 Graz INT (Austria), Robert Blumel Aziz Extera: BB-1, CAC, CACIB, BOS Aziz Extera 20.2.2010 Hungary, Champion Show Aziz Biaban: Champion of Champions, BOB & Best in Group-3! 14.2.2010 Tallinn INT (Estonia), Petru Muntean (Romania) Aziz Uzziah: BD-3 Aziz Cane Zadan: BD-4 13.2.2010 Tallinn spec. (Estonia), Wilfriede Schwerm-Hahne (Germany) Aziz Cane Zadan: BD-2, CAC (-> EE CH) Aziz Uzziah: BD-4 |